There is a whole 4 weeks until we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is the most wonderful time of the year. A time of sharing and giving and some recieving of wonderous gifts. Yet, it is the most hetic time of the year as well. It is a time when we all rush to accomplish all that we need to do beofre Christmas eve or Christmas Day. A time when we find all of our time is taken up by cleaning, shopping, baking, writing out cards, mailing presents to those who are not near during this time of the year. Yet, there is more to Christmas and these four weeks then we realize.
It is in these four weeks that we begin to really prepare our hearts to recieve the love of the Heavenly Father and that of His gift of Jesus. In this time we should be seeking God in an more intimate manner as we are preparing to celebrate his vigin birth into the world and all that it has to offer us as Christians. It is during this time that we are able to reach out to those who are in need, hurting and really share that Love of Jesus with them. Christmas can be a hard day for many individuals and families who are hurting and are afraid to show that deep hurt and pain. By showing them the Love and that gift if Jesus we can share with them a piece of our heart and a part of our joy that is always within us because of the Hope that Jesus brings to our lives. We have this joy because of that personal relationship that we have with Jesus, and knowing He is there when we cal or cry out to Him!
It is in these four weeks that we are so wrapped up in the presents, baking, cooking and others things that we have to do to fully prepare the family and home for the glorous day that we often overlook so many things. We often forget that there are famlies out there that are really struggling to make ends meet, or if there children get a gift at all it will be a miracle because right now all they are focusing on is keeping them in there home. We can be a blessing to them and so many others in Christmas season. We can pick one of the tags off the tree at the mall, in the church and bless that child, adult or family in a manner that they would not be able to do on their own. We can get that tag and find a gift, but what if we blessed them in a manner that they would not expect, if they ask for a coat, get the gloves, scarf and hat that goes with it. Pick up a couple of extra outfits if the child needs clothes, you don't know long long they have to last that child and it could be close to a year before they get something new. Or when you buy that barbiew get some accessories that go with it. That child will be blessed and so happy on Christmas morning because you took the time to give to them. We can give to those in the parish as well, the sisters and priest who work so hard to keep things running smoothly at the church year round and never ask for a thing in return. They rarely get a thank you, or positive feedback. Take the time bake an extra set of cookies for them, or pick up a gift card for something you know they like. If you are unsure take the time to email the church office and ask what cookies, brownies or what their favorite store is and bless them in that way to say thank you for their service to you all year.
By giving of ourself to others, God takes notice. He sees when we are there helping those in need, and will give that blessing back to us in ways that we could never expect. By giving to those who have less, those who are hurting by giving them time to talk to you, you are giving them a piece of God's hope and love. We are after all His children, and we are to reach out and help those who are in need. If we know of a need and cannot meet it, help them get in touch with others who can guide them in the right direction, and take the time to call them and see how they are doing during this wonderous time of the year. It is amazing to see how much one can belss others in these 4 weeks if we take the time to reach out to those around us.
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