Monday, February 21, 2011


It is often stated that one is or is not living up to their true potential. It can be that we are not trying as hard as we should, that our drive isn't as strong as it once was in the beginning. Yet, ones potential is hard to truly measure, it is not like we can get the yard stick out and say yes you are over achieving or are falling short by a lot. Our potential is what we are capable of achieving such as a goal or an assignment at work. It is what others are able to see in us, that we may not be able to see if we looked at ourselves. Sometimes others are able to view our potential because they are seeing what we are able to become if we continue to strive at the current pace and not look back.
Yet, have you ever stopped to consider what your potential is with God. Is there an expectation that he is looking for out of those who call themselves a "Christian". If there is a true potential that we are to strive to, then what is it and it different if you are a male or female, young or old. I would have to venture to say that our potential with the Heavenly Father is one that is ongoing and is one that is the same for all those who are His children.

Christians or children of the Almighty Father are to live to worship the King, and praise Him on a daily basis. One of the things we are to be doing daily is furthering His kingdom, while we have the gift of living on the earth. We are walk in His ways as we go about our daily lives. One of the things that is vital in today's society is reaching out to those around us in love. Taking the time to not only talk to others but also listening to them as they share with you about their day, life, worries, and celebrations. This can be a hard task, if we consistently have to deal with those who get under our skin, or annoy us when they are around. This love can be a simple hello, taking time to acknowledge all that you come into contact with, or taking the time to have a simple conservation with that individual. You may not realize what an impact you are having at that moment by taking a small amount of time each day to reach out to others. God is able to work through you in times that you may not realize.

God is able to tug and pull on others hearts, and not make you aware that you are doing work for His kingdom. All you know is that you are simply chatting with another about something that they want to share with you at that moment. It could be they are looking for a friend, and feel drawn to you because they are able to see Christ in you and in your actions. They may ask you what it is that you have that is different. They may want to know how you are able to function when everything around you is falling apart and you seem so calm. It is simply the love, comfort and relationship that you have with Jesus that keeps you going. Knowing that you are never alone no matter what, that you are able to call His Name and He will be there for you in less then a heart beat. We as children of the Almighty Father know that he will never leave us nor forsake us in our times of need or joy. Many others are able to sense that security in us and are trying to find out what it is so that they too can have that joy, peace, comfort and love in their lives.

Our potential is to ultimately further the kingdom of Christ, but to further that kingdom we have to know who He is to us. For this to happen we have to take the time to live for Him, walk with Him through Bible study, prayer, mass or church services where we are able to learn and grow in God. Our hearts need to be open to what God wants us to do for His kingdom.

God brings people across our path and we just can't stand them and want to hide, there is a reason why they are now in our lives. They may need a friend or a ear to listen to because they are alone, afraid, scared or just lonely and may not have anywhere else to turn. Yet, because we have taken that time to say hello to them, they come to us as Christians in their times of need. They come to us because they can see something in us that they too long for and maybe by showing them the love of the Heavenly father we are helping God's kingdom grow a little more each day.

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