Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2011

Lost the Christmas Joy?

So Christmas is around the corner and all the hustle and bustle is upon us. Yet, some have lost that Christmas cheer! It's become a chore to get out the door, let alone be happy about the Christmas season! It's a great day and friends, family, food but that joy seems to be lost somewhere in the flood of decorations that are everywhere ! You can't walk into a store without seeing something of Christmas, stocking and Santa !

Yet, the blues have settled into your heart and there. Is just no more room for all that Christmas joy! All you want is to get through the days and make it into the next year, cause good things will be there in the days to come. So can we just skip all the joy and move right on to the new year?

Sadly, no! We have to go to mass and church and hear about the joy and the true gift of Christmas! We go back to God in theses times when all our joy is lost to find hope once again! It is in Christ that we have hope, live and true joy! All others are superficial and will let you down. Any other joy is just a temporary fix and will fade! Yet that joy from the Lord is always present. It's there when you are blue, green or any other color. It tends to be masked by things of the world when we are caught up in everything but God ! When we lose sight of Him and who we are in Him that our joy tends to fade and we focus solely on worldly things!

We children of the Lord we are able to have the security and the love of the Lord; along with His joy at all times in our lives. We know that His live and guidance will help us through all circumstances when we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel! His light is there and if we reach out and take His hand he will guide us to that never ending love and joy that only He can give! It's a joy and love that will guide you through all things.

So as we walk into this Christmas season we are able to reach out and find the hand of God there waiting to show you the joy of the season. More the. Giving and receiving gifts, rather the joy of the the Lord in the birth of Jesus! In Him we have love and joy that will never cease if we are willing to reach out and take His hand to walk with Him this Christmas season.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Church is Spiritual?

Church, it's that thing we do on Sunday, when we gather up the family and head out the door for that hour or so of God time for the week. Church, where we talk to friends that we haven't seen or had time to talk to much casue life seems to get so busy. Then Sunday comes along and time to get up early and put out time in, something that we do weekly, or for some daily. Yet, what is church? It is a so much more then a physical place that we come to weekly to worship and hear about the good things of God! Is it a place of peace, refreshing, and rest, or is it just a building we attend to satisfy the husband or wife?

Church is basically what we make of it. It is or can be such a wonderful spiritul experience or it can be just routine, something we do. It is one place that we know for a fact that Heaven is brough down to earth for a short or long time depending on how long the service is or how long the pastor / preist feels lead to talk to the congeration. It is when the angels come and surround us with their presence, when the Holy Spirit fills the room and all of the Lord's goodness is all aournd you. Church is when we reach out and grab that small piece of heaven to cling to get through the rough times during the week. It is where we renew our strength, our hope and find that true everlasting love. A time where we sit in the presence of the Lord, if we recongize Him or not He is there in the mist of His believers.

Church is in a sense a true spiritual experience. It is when our spirit is freely able to reach out to God, without us trying to hold it back or fight all that is going on. We tend to relax more in Church and look for that sense of peace that we all have in our lives, a time when we feel at home and settled, at peace with all that is going on around us even if it is just for an hour when we are there focusing on the Lord.

Church is something that we attend or run to in our time of need, because we know that the Lord is there and we want His help and guidance in the things that we are experiencing. It is also a place that we find others who are seeking God, prayer warriors and people that we are able to turn to because they would understand how all these things play into our faith. Simply, because the believe and worship in the same manner that we do. There is a sense of family in a church community, a place where we are able to be ourselves and not have to worry if the pastor or priest is going to love us or like us. It is a place where we feel the love of Chirist in the church but as well through others that we know in the church.

It is a sacred place that we are always safe, and feel loved at all times, no matter what has happendd in the past 10 minutes. It is a safe haven for many. It is a place where they are able to freely share thie emotions, feeling with the pastor or priest and not be in fear of being rejected or looked down upon, but rather loved and guided in the things of the Lord.  It is a place that we run to for prayer, and hope in times of need. Somewhere we know that we can to turn to no matter what is happening now or at 3 am, that when we call and need them they are there for us as their congration. The pastor / priest is just a phome call away and they will come out to the hospital at 3am to be there to show God's love and guidande, comfort to those that are His children. They hold the hand of the dying souls, and the hands of the ones who are grieving the lost of the loved ones. They are there through tears of joy, the birth of a new child or the adoption of that special soul into the family. They baptise the child and the adults, and love to watch the Grow, not only physically but spiritually.

Church is a spiritual place, let go and reach out to God and see all that He has to offer to you in that small hour service. Take His hand and lean on His, find that joy, comfort and peace that you so long for, it is all there for His children. All yo have to do is say Yes to God and walk with Him.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Want Something New!!

As we move into adulthood we tend to put away the toys that we have in our lives and turn to the world of being a grown up. We move to working our careers, bills, and fun that is different that anything we could ever imagine as a child. Yet, we still look to things in the world to be happy at times. That we could just get a new purse, shoes, car, guitar, etc that we would be so much happier. Yet, the joy that all these things that we acquire disappear over time and we are looking for that next new thing, a dress, suit, ipad, phone etc. to bring back to those moments of joy of having something new.

It is amazing that even as adults, that so many people look to material things for there happiness. That all joy is from those things that we acquire in this life. Yes, toys in the adult world get bigger as we get older, that new house, boat, RV, pool etc. but that source of happiness is so limited to the newness of the object that we place in the garage, home or in our pocket. It is a temporary fix, till we get that urge to have something new because we want it or need to feel that joy once again.

It is sad, that we still look to things for the source of our happiness rather then looking at ourselves to see what is causing that sadness, that somber mood at the moment that we want to hide or just cover up by buying something new to hide that pain that is so well hidden in our hearts. That pain that we don't like to talk about, because the tears may fall or we feel that we will just crumble there on the spot, or melt away like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz!

Truth be told, that we hate that deep pain, that hurt that seems to haunt us in all that we do, we are afraid of sharing it at all, since others will judge us. It is as if we cant talk about it cause then everyone will know that we are weak, soft, and may actually see us cry and that is simply forbidden. Yet, we shy away from those in the church that maybe able to help us heal as well. We are afraid to turn to them, again they may judge us for the pain, or worse if they knew what I had done they may not forgive me or even hate me. Yet, the pastor at the church or the priest that is there waiting for that call. They are there fir the lay people of the church. They are in the business of helping; they are there to do the work of the Heavenly Father.

The priest / pastor of your church would love to chat, and have the time with you. He wants to know the matters of the heart so he can lead you in the right direction. That he can pray for you, help you heal, wipe your tears, listen to the pain, and be there for you if you are willing to talk to them. They are to show you the love and the compassion that the Father in heaven has for all His children. They are there to help you along the road of healing by showing you that the Father in heaven is there to hold your hand, and walk with you when you are hurting. Yet, they are there to help lighten the load as we walk along the paths of life that are difficult or seem impossible. The priest / pastors are there to help you leave that heaviness at the door, as they lay it at the feet of Jesus. He is there to show you and guide you with your walk with Jesus. In times of struggles, and deep pain when you just can't find the words to cry out to God, they can help you put the words together and form the thoughts to express what it is you need God to help you with so your heart can finally start to heal without all the toys and temporary fixes of the world.

Rather, the Father wants you to leave those burdens at His feet, to leave that pain at the foot of the cross, and to walk away from all that is troubling your heart. He is there to stitch up the wounds, and want to heal all the old scars so they are able to fad away. He sees all the pain, the tears and it breaks His heart that we as His Children do not turn to Him for the healings that are related to the heart. He wants to take that burden or pain, and replace it with joy! A joy that is not found in things that is temporary, but rather a joy that is complete. It is a joy that can only come from Heaven. Joy that comes from knowing we have a Father in Heaven that loves us, know us, because we walk with Him daily.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Joy with God.

Have you ever wondered what stole your joy? Why is going to mass or church on Sunday morning a chore. What happened to the day that we all looked forward to going to the house of the Lord. Do you give God full attention on Sunday or do you wonder how long the sermon will be because you are so looking forward to lunch. Is there a moment that we are there with God, in His house and at that moment are we truly present in His Spirit or are we blocking God with all that we are right now.

What is hindering you from going into the fullness of God. What obstacles are in our way from really focusing on God and being in His presence. Some would say we that there is a flaw in ones character, that we are not worthy of God, but that too is a lie. We all are children of the loving heavenly Father, and we became worthy of Him the moment we accepted Christ into our lives, and became forgiven of all sins and wrongs that we have committed against God. The Father in heaven is a wonderous God, who forgives and forgets all those wrongs and sees you as a child of His that he loves dearly, We are able to go to the Father through the cross and the fact that Jesus was that perfect lamb. That love that he has for us is never ceasing but always flowing out to all of His children. We are worthy, and loved beyond what we can ever understand.

With that kind of love and forgiveness at hand, what prevents us from truly going to the Father? That is simple it is ourselves. We are the ones that feel that we are not able to commune with the heavenly Father, yet in reality He is there ready and waitng for you to take a seat at His table daily. He wants to talk to you about matters of the heart and your day, no matter how good or bad. He is there wanting to spend time with you to develop that deep friendship with you, there are no grudges or bad in your past, rather He sees you as a clean child of His because of Jesus! He is there and the joy of being with him. If we are open to Him we will be able to see and feel that joy and love of the Heavenly Father. So where did that joy go, it never left, we just decided not to part take of it. Open your eyes, and heart to the Lord and you will once again find that joy!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Joy, What Joy?

There is an enthusium the day that you met Jesus for the first time, it can be in a park, church, home in the bedroom. There is an event that may have caused you to reach out to Him. It could be a tragedy, emotional termoil, or a simple calling where you hear the Lord pulling you towards Him. There was a joy, love and sense of being loved by the heavenly father at that moment, do you remember the day that you found God, and reached out to Him for the first time. Not only did we have a joy about us, but we also had a need to share with everyone that we found Jesus, and that they needed to know Him as well.

As we continued to walk and the days turnd into months that then turned to years what happens to that joy? We walk with Him and sometimes we stumble and fall, but He is there to pick us up and dust us off, guide us along the chosen joy that we are walking, talking and worshiping the almighty Father. That joy, is it still there if not do you evere wonder where it went, do we hide it so we can be normal around those we know and have to deal with on a daily bases.

We walk with Jesus dail and keep up that relationship with Him we grow in Him  and continue to blossom. We are pleasing to the Lord when we take this time to walk and worship him on a daily basis. We are in the church weekly on Sunday doing our thing, talking and fellowshiping with others that we haven't seem since last service. Idealy we are there to worship, listen to the priest / pastor on Sunday morning as he gives us some tools to help us walk with God, and have that daily joy in our lives. When the trail come and they do when you are strong and walking with God,  rely on others in the church, prayer, the priest and pastors to help guide us along in the times that we are struggling. Yet, after the storm passes the Joy will come in the morning, and with that joy is more strength or growth with / in the Lord.

The joy is there, reach out to God, and talk to him, tell him your needs and concerns. Pray, worship, read the Bible  and fellowship with other Christians who are strong in God, and you will see that joy return to you in the morning. You will see and know that God is there walking with you down the street, there with you in the hospital room, or in the ER when all seems lost, and you are at the bottom of the world. Yet, there is God in the middle with you, wiping your tears, holding your hand, and letting you know that there is joy coming, and it is coming if we can just wait for the morning light to shine. He is there, He is always there and will come in a heartbeat if we call out to Him. Call to the alighty Father, wait for Him and see your Joy return to you in the morning.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sunday Morning

It's Sunday, a day of relaxing. Time to spend with family and friends before going back to the hecktic work week. Sunday, a day of rest, time to sleep in or all of the day if we so wish. Sunday a day for me, what is it that I want to day, stay in my PJ's all day, go for a walk, veg in front of the TV.  Sunday a day that we look forward too but at the same time we dread the thought of Sunday, becasue Monday is just around the cornor and it means responsibilities, school work, kid activities, taking and picking up the children from school, sports and all sorts of things we enrolled them in to keep them busy Monday though Friday. The work week is busy with all that we have going on in our lives, and Sunday is our day or is it?

Sunday is the day that we attend church, but do we go, or are we too tired from being out late last night with the wife or girlfriend. It is the day of recovery for some, to recoop and get back on their feet from living it up on Friday and Saturday night. A day we sleep til 1 or 2pm, shower and then relax, because the stress is going to be there on Monday, and one more day of no worries is better then none.

Yet, Sunday is God's day, it is a day that we are to go to church, to God's house to fellowship, worship and be with the the Lord. It is a joyful day, a day that we get to spend time in God's house and in His holy presence. Yet, all too often it is easier to push that snooze button and sleep a little bit longer, watch TV or to catch up on housework. Yet, it is not our day at all it is God's, he has given us each and every day to live our lives with free will, and all he asks for is an hour on Sunday. Yet, too often we are too busy to spend that hour once a week in God's house.

Sunday morning church is a joyous thing. It states in the Bible that we are to come to the Lord's house joyfully, not dreading every step in the door, or watching the minute hand on the clock. We complain if the sermon or homily is too long, and wonder why they can't say all that God wants them to say in less then 10 minutes so we can get to lunch. We all seem to be hungry when we attend church on Sunday. Ever notice that half way through the service your stomache is growling looking for food, or your phone in your pocket keeps ringing, or the text messages just keep coming while you are in church. Yet, the moment you are out, and back to daily living all is quiet again. Have you ever noticed all the little distractions in church that tend to pull your focus away from the Lord. Every thing that happens in that hour to say look here, baby crying there, text messages, phone vibrating and on top of all that you are starving. All this and more in the one hour that you are there in the Lord's house. With all the distractions, how are you able to see God, feel his presence, listen to his words that are spoken in the homily. How are we to really focus on the heavenly Father, that is why we are there in the first place, to seek, worship, listen and grow in the Lord.

Yet, if all of this happens and we walk out the same that we were when we walked into the church we missed it. Yes, you missed the puprose of being there in church! It's not to make the spouse happy, or for the children only. God is there in His house for all of us. He is there to met us where we are at that moment. He is there to comfort us, help us walk with Him. We are given the tools to help us walk that road of life in church in that hour that we are there, it is in the homily / sermon that we learn more about the Lord our heavenly Father. It is there that we are able to come to the table of communion, to find that healing that He has for us along with comfort and peace. It is in that hour of church that we can find the hope to make it though that tough time because we find hope in the Lord's house and in his loving arms.

It is in that hour not only do we find hope, and may actually hear form God, but we get to bask in His love, have peace, and joy in our soul. In that hours of taking the time to focus on God, and give him the attention that we neglect during the week, we are able to be forgiven of the sins, find that communion with God is at a new level. We are able to be open to healing in all areas of our life. God is amazing and a big God, He is there willing to help, love, comfort, give peace or met any needin you if you are willing to open up to Him and allow him to work in you.