Friday, March 5, 2010


Its is funny to think that in our Christian life and walk that we all stumble and fall at times. We are not alone when we fall from grace and wonder into sin or separate ourselves from the loving Father that is in heaven. We all walk and try to live in the Christian way of life, but then we fall. When we fall it is hard at times to find our way home, to pick ourselves up and start anew with God. It may seem like the sky is falling in around us, and that we have lost all hope. Yet, the Father is still there in our time of trouble reaching out to us with loving, forgiving hands. All we need to do is take that offer from the Father and walk with him again.

If we find that strength to stand up, bush off the dirt and dust from ourselves and make a new start in the Christian walk. We all feel the pain and shame that we have done wrong. That we have wondered away, sinned or just been the true Christian that we all were called to be in this life.  It seems that we have lost all hope, and want to give up on God and all that we have, we question why this happens, why now? We have a hard time when we try to understand why God does the things He does, why now Lord? Why do we we have to go through all of this? Why us? Then we walk away with our heads hung down, thinking that God isn't listening to you, or even care for you anymore. 

It is then that we have to look to the Father and realize that this too will pass, and we will come out stronger on the other side. We are stronger then what we give ourselves credit. We are able to hang onto our faith, and start again. Soon the rainbow will appear on the other side on the clouds. They will part and their on the other side is a silver lining waiting there for you. That faith that we have to hang onto in those trying times, and moments that we want to give up all hope, that we come to realize that our faith is still there and God has never left our side. He is there waiting to answer our prayers. Our hope in the Father never ends, and His love is always there, our faith in the loving, almighty God is still there, and then we will find the strenght to pull through and be a stronger person on the other side. Faith can move the mountains, and heal the wounded hearts that we hide deep within our souls.

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