Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Christian Community?

WE all live in the world around us, there is the town, our neighborhood, the state, and most of all we all live in the USA. Our community is where we live, thrive and communicate with others on a daily bases. YEt, we never really think of those we come in contact with all that much; your child's teacher, the nurse who cares all dfay for others and puts themselfg on the back burner, the mailman, the checker at the local store, the cable guy that always comes at the last minute. They are all in our community, yet we very rarely take the time to say more then hello and proceed with our adgena for our day.

Yet, in our community as christians we have the greatest opportunity to reach out to others who are hurting, lost, and just looking for a friend at that moment. It is here in the community that we are able to make the greatest impact on others. We can reach out to them in small ways and it may be just what they need to make it through the day. A simple hello, touch on the shoulder, showing someone that someone out there sees their pain and that they are hurting can make the worlds of a difference to someone who is hurting.

We can talk to them, take time out of our day and share the love of Christ with them. Showing them that their is hope in the world, that they really matter to someone, and that the church, God and you actually care about them as a person. They are valuable to you even if it is in a small way they matter. The world and community would change if they walked away for good, because they feel that no one really cares about them or their pain.

It is in this pain, that we are looking for something more, something or someone to say that it is going to be ok. That touch from others, a word of hope, faith in them and knowing that we are worthy of God's love no matter what is going on in our lives at that moment or what we have done in the past. God loves us, forgives us and no longer remember the sins of old. Rather, He see us as his precious children. His love is there extending to us, if we are willing to accept it. His compassion is there, there is hope for those who are hurting, wounded and lost, it is there in the arms of Jesus. If we run to time in these lowly times He comes running to us with open arms saying son/daughter I am here, I will never leave you nor forsake you. That he loves beyond anything we could ever imagine. That Jesus cares for us and is there if we are willing to go to him in times of need.

We have the ability to share Jesus, God's love and his ultimate peace with others through our words and actions in the community. By reaching out to other we are allowing God to work through us and help all of those who are hurting.

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